
I'll never trust you, you're dead in my eyes and will always be those. How much you willbeg you will never get your will through me. My trust my hope and my faith was there butthe VA for some time you will easily forget the pigs that you can not spend time on.
I do not even know how I could get you into my heart for that place could be any other sickperson get much better than ddig. The time with you will always be a waste for me and Ido not care fully how much crap you talk about me for I alone know the truth about you.
Never rely on the love they can make you a big joke.
Jaja livet kanske inte är de bästa just nu men jag lever mitt liv och gör de till de bästa i alla fall :)
Jag har mina vänner och de finns inga bättre vänner n dem! <3


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